As per the latest updates, DHA Lahore developers have announced the possession of DHA Lahore Phase 9 Prism Sectors F and G. The official possession statement was posted on its official Facebook page. For investors who have been waiting for possession and have finally received approval from the authorities, this is exciting news. Read More: LDA City Announces Plot Possession...
DHA Lahore #Phase9 #Prism is a good investment option including residential and commercial plots. It is best to buy to hold it for the long term and it gives you gainful return in future. However, it has 9 main entrances, which makes it a perfect location. Moreover, Direct access to Fereozpur road, Ring Road, and Bedian Road. It is also connected through phase 6 which makes it...
DHA Lahore #Phase9 #Prism is a good investment option including residential and commercial plots. It is best to buy to hold it for the long term and it gives you gainful return in future. However, it has 9 main entrances, which makes it a perfect location. Moreover, Direct access to Fereozpur road, Ring Road, and Bedian Road. It is also connected through phase 6 which makes it...