Development Work has Begins in LDA City Phase1 Lahore

Good news individually for the file holders of LDA City Lahore that the development works of its Phase 1 are begun. However, Phase 1 spread over 3,500 Kanals. Hence, This is an important development from LDA City.
LDA Phase 1 Development
Presently the project will divide into two Phases. Phase 1 of LDA City Lahore will be first developed in 13,500 Kanal lands. However, the development work of LDA City Phase I has begun. In the next 8 months, development partners will hand over the remaining 4,500 Kanal lands.
The Development work of the 150 feet wide phase 1 Lahore Main Boulevard began. The engineering wing of the project is currently busy in levelling the Main Boulevard. The Director-General of LDA has currently issued a written order, in light of it, the pace of development work of Phase 1 additionally increased.
LDA City Lahore Phase 1 Received 375 Kanal
LDA City also acquired 375 Kanal land last month. Authority has got the land for the development of Phase 1. The administration of LDA City has revealed that in addition the development partners, have additionally started to present land for LDA City. LDA City has found that 34 contractors and engineering companies have shown interest in carrying out the development work of LDA City, which covers 13,000 Kanals of land.