Approval for construction of Samanabad Mor underpass purposed by LDA

As per the news, On Monday, November 29, 2021, the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) sent a proposal to the provincial government. The proposal was to build an underpass at Mor Samanabad. LDA Engineering Wing sends Project Concept-1 (PC-1) with a budget of PKR 1.39 billion to the Punjab Provincial Government for final approval.
As mentioned in the proposal, a 500-meter-long underpass will be built to overcome the traffic problems of Samanabad Mor leading to Gulshan-e-Ravi. As soon as CM Usman Buzdar approves, LDA will issue a tender for the project.
Special Assistant to the Chief Minister (SACM) Hasaan Khawar told the press that the project is part of CM Punjab’s Lahore Package. This Lahore package includes the construction of 4 flyovers and 3 famous underpasses. Construction of one of the underpasses “Gulab Devi Underpass” has already begun in July. This underpass will soon be opened for traffic. The date announced by the LDA is December 20, 2021.
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