The underpass and flyover project will be completed by February 2022 by the LDA.

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08/12/2021 5:05 pm  

As per the news, on Sunday, December 5, 2021, Lahore Development Authority (LDA) Chief Engineer Mazhar Hussain announced that Lahore's three underpass and flyover projects would be completed by February 2022.

The three underpasses and flyover projects i.e Sheranwala Gate Flyover, Gulab Devi Underpass and Shahkam Flyover. As per the news, all projects will be completed on time, which will help to make the traffic situation easier.

Construction of the Gulab Devi Underpass is almost complete and will remain in transit until December 20th. By the end of January, the Data Ganj Baksh Flyover will also be completed and will be worth almost Rs. 5 billion. The project is 55% complete and connects Akbari, Azam Cloth Market, Shah Alam Market, and other nearby locations.

Shahkam flyover project cost Rs. 4.23 billion and also 55% complete. It is scheduled to open for traffic on February 15, 2022. All this infrastructure was started by LDA in June

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