The revival of Ravi under the Riverfront Project  

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Posts: 695
18/01/2021 2:41 pm  

Much work is going on at the Ravi Riverfront Urban Development Project, especially with regards to designing improvement guidelines to regenerate the Ravi River water quality.

According to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report, the project's dedicated team will already begin working on the Ravi River regeneration.

According to the latest Riverfront project report, India built Thein Dam (back to 2000) to support a storage capacity of 192 million acres (MAF). Not only that, India has developed various water reservoirs after signing the Indus Water Treaty. As a result, these activities are blocking the water flow to Pakistan. But that's their headwork, namely Madhupur.

In addition, the construction of the Tain Dam already threatened the flow of the Ravi River, which undermined Pakistan's socioeconomic status.

Ingestion of wastewater containing harmful metals, large amounts of arsenic and dust has caused waterborne diseases in several people.

With all these negativity, the threat to the construction of Ravifront projects on the Ravi River will not always be safe.

Therefore, the following report is expected to urgently install remedial measures for the harsh conditions of these Ravi River. The steps are performed in accordance with LDA building regulations.

The Ravifront project is a groundbreaking project if handled properly.

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