The Construction of Maulana Shaukat Ali Signal Free Road is resumed

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20/12/2021 4:18 pm  

As per the news, work on the Maulana Shaukat Ali Road project has been resumed by LDA (Lahore Development Authority). The starting point of the corridor is Jinnah Hospital and the ending point is Peko Road.

This project is funded by LDA Resources and the project design work has been initiated by Pakistan National Engineering Service (NESPAK). Precast underpass technology is also deployed.

Read: The Commissioner enacted Section 6 to acquire land for LDA City Chenab Road.

For that, the authorities have begun consultations with contractors, engineering firms and building experts. There will also be various adjustments to the proposed design. They will redesign the Zohar Marriage Hall intersection and Jinnah Hospital. Ravi Restaurant Junction will also be closed.

There will be a single-way underpass to be built at Shauq Chowk, as well as a remodeling of the road towards Madre-Millat Chowk. LDA's chief engineer, Mazhar Hussain, also said this step will reduce traffic problems.

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