Ravi City Lahore project Phase 1 Renamed As Sapphire Bay

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06/01/2021 5:00 pm  

Sapphire Bay, the first phase of the upcoming Ravi City project, has an estimated revenue of 400 billion rupees across over 5,000 acres of land. The project construction is expected to begin soon. Prime Minister Imran Khan conduct the Ravi Urban Development Project meeting, where discussions took place. It is known that out of 5,000 acres, 3,000 acres will be used for flood protection and the remaining 2,000 acres will be used for construction.

Federal Minister Senator Shibli Faraz, Ali Haider Zaidi, Lieutenant General Naya Pakistan Housing Authority (r) Chairman Anwar Ali Hyder and Chairman Imran Amin of Pakistani Islands Development Authority attended the meeting.

Governor Imran Ismail of Sindh, Advisor to Punjab Chief Minister Dr Salman Shah, Special Assistant to CM Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, Ravi Urban Development Authority Chairman Rashid Aziz and other senior executives participate through video link.

Meanwhile, the meeting said that the first phase of Ravi City was named Sapphire Bay, and land purchase began and road construction was also started on December 29th. Additionally, requests for proposals for investors and developers will be issued until next week.

RUDA President explained at the meeting that 3,000 of the 5,000 acres in Phase 1 will be used for flood protection and the rest will be used for construction.

He concluded by saying that Phase 1 road development began on December 29, 2020. RUDA will issue RFPs for investors and developers by next week.

However, expressing satisfaction with the pace of the project, the Prime Minister instructed to achieve all development goals within a set time frame.

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