Punjab Monitors 7,000 Development Schemes Through Private Firms

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04/11/2021 1:11 pm  

The Punjab government has decided to monitor 7,000 ongoing development projects in the region under the direction of Prime Minister Imran Khan (PM), news sources reported. In this regard, PKR 790 million will be used to hire private companies for third-party verification (TPV) and monitoring.

Read LDA shares construction updates for the underpass, flyover projects.

Responsibility for overseeing this project has been assigned to the Director General (DG) Monitoring and Evaluation and the funds have been formally approved by the Standing Ministerial Committee on Finance. Funding for the monitoring project will soon be included in the annual development budget.

According to publicly available information, the project's goal is to improve public expenditure while maintaining transparency in government spending. It is also the first time in Punjab history that so much money is being used for monitoring projects.

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