PM Approved PKR 100 Billion For Affordable Mera Pakistan Mera Ghar Project

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29/12/2021 3:37 pm  

As per the news, Prime Minister Imran Khan approved PKR 100 billion on Friday for the affordable housing project 'Mera Pakistan Mera Ghar'. He declared this achievement a "big moment" for Pakistan.

Read: Funds Announced by Punjab to Build Signal-Free Centre-Point to DHA Corridor

The prime minister also said Pakistan is going in the right direction. Every Pakistani has a dream to build a home for their family. With the help of this affordable housing project, everyone can buy or build a house for their family.

Prime Minister Imran Khan also said the 'Mera Pakistan Mera Ghar' project will boost Pakistan's economy as housing construction increases. We were also informed that the funds for the purchase or construction of the home were provided in Islamic and current ways. Similarly, it has provided financial options at reasonable prices for the middle class of society.

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