Plots Booking is opened in Chahar Bagh by RUDA

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Posts: 704
20/02/2022 2:24 pm  

As per the latest news, the Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA) has announced a plot booking for their 'Chahar Bagh' project. A limited number of 10 Mala and 1 Kanal residential plots are available for sale.

Read: Delegates from the US Consulate receive a project briefing on an RRUDP site visit.

Interested customers must submit an application in exchange for a non-refundable fee of:

1 Kanal 10 Marla
Online Applications PKR 10,000 PKR 6000
Manual/Physical Forms PKR 12,000 PKR 8000

The payment schedule for the  'Chahar Bagh' is given below.

Plot Pricing 1 Kanal 10 Marla
Regular PKR 20,000,000 PKR 12,000,000
Corner PKR 22,000,000 PKR 13,200,000
Park Facing PKR 22,000,000 PKR 13,200,000

Read: RUDA registration open for dealers to sell or purchase a plot

Plan Type Payment Remaining Instalments Discount
Plan 1: 100% Upfront Payment NIL 10%
Plan 2: Two Year Payments 10% Down Payment 8 5%
Plan 3: Three Year Payments 10% Down Payment 12 NIL



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