Plastic road technology to be used by LDA for rehabilitation of Ferozepur Road

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13/01/2022 3:47 pm  

LDA ( Lahore Development Authority ) has decided to renovate Ferozepur roads using plastic waste and advanced technology. This particular technique is environmentally friendly and minimizes the rehabilitation period.

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As the news report, the whole project will be split into several phases to reduce traffic jams. LDA will build the road line from Canal Station to Kalma Chowk in the first phase, in the second phase from Kalma Chowk to Lahore Burj. The road from Lahore Burj to Khana will be in three phases.

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LDA will fund the project with its own resources, and LDA Engineering Wing-I has begun work on the carpet project. The approximate budget of Chief Engineer-I for the initial construction and restoration of Ferozepur Road was PKR 90 million

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