Pakistan's first football stadium to be built in Karachi, Pakistan

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11/01/2022 3:51 pm  

As per the media report, NED University and Global Soccer Venture (GSV) signed a 10-year contract worth $112 million on Wednesday, January 5, to build Pakistan's first soccer stadium in Karachi.

The first football stadium was designed by German engineering to build a series of football infrastructure projects in Germany. Reportedly, the stadium will not only provide a FIFA international match environment but will also provide an unforgettable experience for players and the crowd

Moreover, former England footballer and current Pakistan Football League ambassador, Michael Owen, said the investment will be the future of football growth and a door to the international. As per the report, soccer player Owen will hold an entire press conference and disclose the city's first football stadium at the end of this month. At the press conference, the first photos and 3D virtual images of the stadium will be shown.

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