LDA City to supply electricity soon

Joined: 6 years  ago
Posts: 710
01/06/2021 4:02 pm  

News sources reported that Rana Tikka Khan, additional Director-General (Urban Planning) of the Lahore Development Authority (LDA), has approved the proposal to supply electricity to LDA City.

While presiding over a meeting to review the development progress of this project, ADG instructed relevant officials to use the surplus funds to begin development work in Phases V and VI of LDA City.

He also told in the meeting to complete the land process as soon as possible, in addition to sui gas supply and other amenities.

It has also been further revealed that the Punjab Horticulture Authority (PHA) will develop the green area along with the LDA City and manage it for two years initially.

At the same time, LDA City file holders are waiting for a third ballot According to the details, so far LDA has set three balloting dates, none of which have been confirmed. In addition to this, plans to develop LDA City Iqbal Sector are pending.

Reportedly, the Director-General of LDA has already taken notice of the slow pace of work and issued an order to speed up the relevant development.


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