LDA City Third Ballot: Announcement of Deadline to Apply for Exemption Letter

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30/08/2021 1:01 pm  

According to advertisements, the LDA will hold the third ballot on residential plots in LDA City on September 4, 2021. Furthermore, they have decided that only files included in the ballot who have received exemption letters issued by the LDA. In this regard, file holders must submit their application for an exception letter by August 28.

Read: A third Ballot for the LDA City file will be held in September

The LDA also said that files without an exemption letter would not be included in the September 4 ballot. Therefore, those with plot files should contact the specific developer/owner of the plot and then submit their application so that the process can be completed on time.

Also stated that those who are interested in buying plot files from LDA City Lahore should check the "Entitlement Letter" provided by LDA to avoid any future inconvenience. They must also ensure that the exception letter application has been submitted to the LDA office prior to the third ballot.

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