LDA City Lahore Phase 1 Jinnah Sector Block wise Rate Update December 2020

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28/12/2020 7:18 pm  

LDA City Lahore Phase 1 Blockwise Rate Updates December 2020

Plot Prices In Sector A
1-Kanal 47 to 65 Lac
10-Marla 27 to 38 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector B
1-Kanal 48 to 80 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector C
2-Kanal 225 to 250 Lac
1-Kanal 50 to 90 Lac
10-Marla 30 to 60 Lac
5-Marla 25 to 30 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector D
1-Kanal 48 to 80 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector E
2-Kanal 210 to 250 Lac
1-Kanal 48 to 70 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector F
5-Marla 20 to 40 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector G
2-Kanal 235 to 250 Lac
1-Kanal 47 to 63 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector H
1-Kanal 50 to 60 Lac
10-Marla 34 to 75 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector J
5-Marla 16 to 40 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector K
1-Kanal 47 to 52 Lac
10-Marla 29 to 40 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector L
1-Kanal 50 to 55 Lac
10-Marla 29 to 75 Lac
5-Marla 16 to 22 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector M
1-Kanal 48 to 110 Lac
10-Marla 28 to 35 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector N
1-Kanal 48 to 110 Lac
10-Marla 28 to 35 Lac
5-Marla 17 to 23 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector P
5-Marla 14 to 18 Lac
10-Marla 26 to 30 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector Q
1-Kanal 42 to 45 Lac
10-Marla 27 to 75 Lac
5-Marla 14 to 18 Lac

Transfer Fees

5-Marla => Filer 71,790 Non-Filer 82,680
10-Marla => Filer 136,580 Non-Filer 158,360
1-Kanal => Filer 266,160 Non-Filer 309,720
2-Kanal => Filer 525,320 Non-Filer 612,440

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