Plot Prices In Sector A
1-Kanal 43 to 52 Lacs
10-Marla 26 to 33 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector B
1-Kanal 43 to 52 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector C
2-Kanal 180 to 200 Lacs
1-Kanal 45 to 65 Lacs
10-Marla 32 to 43 Lacs
5-Marla 22 to 26 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector D
1-Kanal 48 to 58 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector E
2-Kanal 160 to 180 Lacs
1-Kanal 44 to 52 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector F
5-Marla 20 to 25Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector G
2-Kanal 160 to 180Lacs
1-Kanal 43 to 52Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector H
1-Kanal 45 to 55 Lacs
10-Marla 26 to 38 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector J
5-Marla 18 to 25 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector K
1-Kanal 45 to 55 Lacs
10-Marla 27 to 35 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector L
1-Kanal 45 to 55 Lacs
10-Marla 26 to 42 Lacs
5-Marla 18 to 23 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector M
1-Kanal 55 to 85 Lacs
10-Marla 28 to 33 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector N
1-Kanal 55 to 85 Lacs
10-Marla 30 to 33 Lacs
5-Marla 18 to 22 Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector P
5-Marla 17 to 20Lacs
Plot Prices In Sector Q
1-Kanal 45 to 50 Lacs
10-Marla 32 to 42 Lacs
5-Marla 17 to 20 Lacs