LDA City Jinnah Sector land purchase to be completed soon

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18/03/2022 2:12 am  

As per the latest reports, the  LDA (Lahore Development Authority) has agreed to complete a required land purchase for the LDA City Jinnah sector. In this framework, LDA Secretary-General Ahmad Aziz Tarar received a summary of the budget allocation of PKR 1 billion.

Read: Announced a deadline for LDA City Allottees to pay development charges

As per the details authorities will complete a mandatory land acquisition process that will provide relief to 11,000 allottees and file holders of the project at a meeting chaired by LDA Chief Engineer I Israr Saeed. According to LDA City Commissioner Khurram Yaqoob, the land acquisition will support allocators of Jinnah Sector Block G, M, J, Q, E.

As per the reports, LDA has collected PKR 2.2 billion in taxes in the last six months of the fiscal year, but it still needs more money to buy land in the same sector.

Moreover, LDA has already completed 80% of all land acquisitions in the sector. However, the land purchase was delayed due to a lack of funds.

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