LDA Announces New Advertising Rules Against Illegal Housing Plans

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16/02/2022 6:53 pm  

As per the post share on the authority's official Facebook page, New standards for print and electronic media advertising in residential and commercial projects have been announced by the Lahore Development Authority (LDA). The latest regulation was issued in response to an order delivered by the Lahore High Court (LHC) on 9 February.

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As per the information shared by the LDA, Various housing schemes and sponsors are known to be in violation of the LDA Private Housing Schemes Rule-2014. They break the rules by promoting their projects in digital and print media without getting a NOC (No Objection Certificate). Due to this issue, authorities have issued the following warning:

  • Housing societies, plots for sale, and sponsors do not have the right to advertise their projects without LDA approval.
  • Housing plans cannot be advertised, even if they are approved and registered by the LDA, but not the NOCs.
  • Without LDA's NOC, advertising in residential societies is illegal and punishable under the LDA Act 1975.
  • The LDA has the authority to file a First Investigation Report (FIR) with the police and to demolish and seal illegally built structures.

The LDA also announced that under the LHC ruling, all housing plans that advertise without LDA approval and NOC will face serious consequences. LDA has asked the PEMRA (Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority), APNS (Former Pakistan Newspaper Association) and other releated organizations to restrict advertising unless the developers, sponsors and owners of these schemes have received a valid NOC from the LDA.

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