Lahore Central Business District Generates 1.3 trillion PKR

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Posts: 710
04/03/2021 5:01 pm  

The PTI government has achieved another milestone in the city as promoting trade and economic activity are significant in developing countries.

At an event that lays the foundation of Lahore's central business district at Walton Airport, the Supreme Minister said economic activity alleviates poverty by providing jobs.

Read: LDA City Naya Pakistan Project: Approved Rs 10 billion for 4,000 apartments

The launch of the Lahore Central Business District is a major step forward in this regard. PTI also added that it has introduced the ultra-modern Ravi Riverfront Urban Development Project and laid the foundation for another mega-project to promote economic activity.

Explaining the details of the project, CM said the Lahore Central Business District would be completed in three phases over 300 acres. He said the first phase will be developed over 128 acres and will create about 1.3 trillion rupees of commercial activity

In the first stage, the business district is set up. In the second phase, a digital community is introduced, and in the third, a residential area is built.

Meanwhile, an underpass is being built near Gulab Devi Hospital on Ferozepur Road and Band Road Chowk leading to Samanabad. An overhead bridge will be built from Lahore Train Station to Sheranwala Gate to facilitate traffic flow.

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