Lahore Air Quality Index (AQI) improved by Rain

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11/01/2022 3:15 pm  

Media reports released on Thursday show that Lahore's AQI ( air quality index) has improved and pollution levels have also decreased, putting the city in the 'unhealthy' category with a recorded particulate matter (PM) rating of 160.

Read: Lahore Road Projects Meeting held by Prime Minister

The overnight rain not only made the weather chilly but also improved the air quality. According to a tweet from the Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA), the air quality index for Sundar Industrial Estate in Lahore was 169, the National Hockey Stadium was 157, Town Hall was 104, and Township Sector C2 was 61.

Besides, the Pakistan Meteorological Administration (PMD) predicted more rain in Lahore and predicted that the AQI would fall further. Reportedly, the AQI is calculated using particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, ground ozone, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.

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