In Sector Prism of DHA Peshawar breaks the earth for housing.

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31/05/2022 2:09 pm  

On 24th May, the DHA Peshawar administration held a groundbreaking ceremony for 5 and 10 Mala houses in Sector Prism. As per the information,  Brig Mazhar spoke at the event and explained the administration’s goals. Before the construction of the first home in Prism Sector is completed, In addition, that authorities plan to provide all the basic facilities, including a mosque, market and civic amenities.

Read More: Incentive Details Disclosed by DHA Peshawar for Home Construction

The representative of the Frontier Works Organization (FWO) has confirmed that asphalt work on Nasir Bagh Road will begin soon. He went on to say that asphalt work on only one side of Nasir Bagh would start in 10 days.

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