Groundbreaking ceremony for DHA Gujranwala office complex coming soon

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14/05/2022 6:49 am  

A post was posted on the official Facebook page of the  DHA Gujranwala on 11th May, 2022 to inform members that a groundbreaking ceremony for the DHA office complex would be held soon.

Read: DHA Gujranwala announces Possession date for 4 & 8 Marla Commercial in Zone 1 & 2

Similarly, the administration also announced the groundbreaking ceremony of Sector K&L in a post shared on 8th May. As per the details, the administration will soon award bids for the development of both areas.

Furthermore, the administration has published a list of upcoming further society developments in its main publication. The new residential sector, development of a lavish shopping mall to provide all shopping, an executive block for a contemporary lifestyle with advanced facilities, development of Southern Boulevard, and construction of a 132KV power grid to provide uninterrupted power supply were among the projects. , according to the details.

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