flyover and underpass project of Cavalry Ground Purposed by LDA

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10/12/2021 4:03 pm  

As per the news, Project Concept-1 (PC-1) was sent by the Lahore Development Authority (LDA). The project includes a flyover and a cavalry ground underpass. The project has been submitted for final approval. The total project cost is $2.85 billion. Additionally, a third project is submitted for final approval.

Project costs are estimated by Pakistan National Engineering Service (NESPAK). As per the project proposal, a full-height underpass will be built at Khalid Butt Chowk right next to the Cavalry Ground.

Read: Changes in the Kareem Block Market Underpass Project Purposed by LDA

Also, there will be a single flyover to be built from Ghoda Chowk towards Defense Mor. The signal-free corridor for traffic will reduce the travel time. Director General LDA Aziz Ahmed Tarar approved the design and LDA Chief Engineer Mazhar Hussain Khan delivered the PC-1 to the Punjab government.

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