Federal Minister of Finance and Revenue asks defaulters to pay their taxes on time.

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11/01/2022 3:31 pm  

As per the news reports, Federal Minister of Finance and Revenue Shaukat Tarin has urged non-tax filers to pay their taxes before the government has access to them, and tax evaders to register before being investigated by the government or the  FBR ( Federal Board of Revenue).

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Shaukat Tarin said we help taxpayers, But everyone has to pay their taxes,  adding that the revenue committee will be approaching people without notice in the coming weeks.

Speaking at an event in Islamabad, the finance minister made it clear that taxpayers would not be harassed under any circumstances. He reiterated that only taxes make long-term development possible.

The finance minister argued that simplification of the tax system would increase tax revenue and that the country would not be able to develop if the people did not pay taxes.

"Only 2 million people pay taxes in Pakistan," the minister said, adding that the government and FBR plan to reach out to those who use the technology and will take legal action if they don't pay taxes.

Tarin said that the imposition of sales tax on goods is under federal jurisdiction, and the FBR chairman has made life easier for taxpayers by asking the Senate Finance Standing Committee to impose the right sales tax on the retail price of goods.

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