Extended deadline to use DHA Peshawar's incentives for early residents

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23/06/2021 5:28 pm  

According to the Facebook page, the Defense Housing Authority (DHA) Peshawar administration has extended the deadline for incentive programs for early residents.

Previously, a free 6KW solar panel system was offered to families living in DHA Peshawar until June 30th. With the latest update, the date you can get free solar panels has been extended until July 31st.

DHA Peshawar is determined to support its residents in every way possible. Recently, DHA Peshawar and the administration of Pakistan State Oil (PSO) signed an agreement. Under the agreement, PSO filling stations will be built in society.

DHA Peshawar is also working to make Pakistan a greener place. In a visit from Peshawar Agricultural University students, the administration shared DHA Peshawar's contribution to green Pakistan.

In addition, the Adventure Arena recently opened, attracted a lot of traffic over the weekend. Many families come to spend quality time with their loved ones at this adventure-filled arena.

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