DHA Quetta has established a special desk to address the Location Balloting issue.

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04/04/2022 4:41 pm  

A special desk for location balloting was led by DHA Quetta Authority. For Early Bird and 5 Mara Marketing File Holders Face One-Time Password (OTP) Issue. The Administration has been notified of OTP issues arising from resolving issues with CNIC and registered mobile phone numbers. Applicants have been asked to contact the T&R Directorate for data correction. 

Read: DHA Quetta administration has announced an Early Bird Balloting date

Miss.Saadia Afzaal and Mr.Faheem Bangash hosted a local event for DHA Quetta early birds and a 5 Marla location ballot. Moreover, Mr. Nawazish Nasri, Khumariyaan Band, and local celebrities from Urooj Fatima performed at the balloting event.

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