DHA Lahore Phase 6 Blockwise Latest Rates Updates January 2021

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05/01/2021 6:41 pm  

DHA Lahore Phase 6 Latest BlockWise Rates Updates January 2021

Plot Prices In Sector A
10-Marla 200 to 225 Lac
1-Kanal 265 to 450 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector B
1-Kanal 310 to 450 Lac
2-Kanal 1000 to 1050 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector C
1-Kanal 235 to 425 Lac
2-Kanal 1000 to 1050 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector D
5-Marla 110 to 120 Lac
7-Marla 135 to 155 Lac
10-Marla 160 to 200 Lac
1-Kanal 250 to 350 Lac
2-Kanal 675 to 850 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector E
5-Marla 55 to 75 Lac
10-Marla 110 to 145 Lac
1-Kanal 225 to 325 Lac
2-Kanal 525 to 650 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector F
1-Kanal 200 to 325 Lac
2-Kanal 800 to 850 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector G
1-Kanal 275 to 375 Lac
2-Kanal 900 to 950 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector H
1-Kanal 375 to 450 Lac
2-Kanal 1125 to 1150 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector J
7-Marla 160 to 175 Lac
1-Kanal 285 to 350 Lac
2-Kanal 1100 to 1150 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector K
1-Kanal 225 to 350 Lac
2-Kanal 1100 to 1150 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector L
10-Marla 180 to 195 Lac
1-Kanal 250 to 425 Lac
2-Kanal 750 to 1050 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector M
1-Kanal 235 to 325 Lac

Plot Prices In Sector N
1-Kanal 190 to 350 Lac

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