DHA Lahore Phase 3 House For Sale  

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Posts: 694
16/09/2019 1:55 pm  

DHA Lahore Phase 3 is known for its luxurious lifestyle. Easy access from Walton Road and Ferozpur Road, making it ideal for the public. Phase 3 consists of  different Blocks named (e.g. Block W, Block X, Block XX, Block Y, Block Z). It has  7 parks which provides the people to enjoy their free time in a lush green surrounding which give the sense of freshness to those who visit the parks.

Each block has a mosque and parks and other livelihood resources. Phase 3 Block y and Block Z are the most decorative locations in the city, where commercial and residential facilities are very attractive. Block Z in DHA Phase 3 has a great library.Which helps to expand  and nourish the knowledge of those who want to read.

While talking about the security of Phase 3, we can say that security is working very effectively to provide a safe environment for its residents. It consider as a older phase of DHA the prices of plots and houses are very reasonable.

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DHA Phase 3 Houses

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