DHA Bahawalpur resumes limited services  

Joined: 6 years  ago
Posts: 694
08/05/2020 5:12 pm  

DHA Bahawalpur is expected to resume limited public dealing at Head Office and sub-offices starting May 11, 2020, while ensuring all safe SOPs.

In this regard, DHA staff notifies the dealer, confirms the agreement/availability of the seller and buyer, and sets the transfer date and time.
We recommend the following:-

  • All SOPs designated by the Pakistani government will continue while the visitor visits the DHA.
  • All visitors (customers, dealers) must visit with medical masks.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at the reception and can be used by visitors.
  • Social distance is observed by visitors.
  • Even for female customers, children are not allowed to visit the office.
  • Only sellers, buyers and related dealers can be visited 30 minutes before the transfer.
  • One person can visit for NDC submission.
  • Compliance with the above instructions is the responsibility of the dealer.
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