DC rate reduced near DHA Gujranwala

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Posts: 709
12/04/2021 5:49 pm  

The Defense Housing Authority (DHA) Gujranwala has announced that an additional commissioner (revenue) has importantly reduced DC rates in the neighborhood of DHA Gujranwala, according to the project's official Facebook page.

Authorities say the DC rate reduction is good news for both investors and residents in the area for the sale/buy of DHA Gujranwala's land in the region.

In initial development, the authorities signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a joint venture (JV) to build villas with smart amenities and grid stations. This contract was signed with 'Arch Tech Consultancy Company, MN Construction, Mureed Construction and Pak Arab Services' for the construction of 5, 6 and 10 Marla villas in DHA Gujranwala.

In addition, other amenities provided by these smart villas include earthquake resistance, digital billing, online electronic and gas control, electronic security cameras, smoke detectors, solar electricity (on demand), biometric entrance and plug and play (TV and Internet).

Authorities have assured stakeholders that they will provide maintenance and utility facilities to residents, among other social and local amenities.

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