Construction of Pakistan's first football stadium begins in Karachi

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31/01/2022 3:27 pm  

As per the latest news, great English footballer Michael Owen laid the groundwork for Pakistan's first football stadium in Karachi on 26th jan, 2022(Wednesday). A soccer player visits the country for 3 days to promote the sport.

Read: Site Proposed for Islamabad cricket stadium

A large number of teachers, football fans and students attended the event at the NED University. Owen claimed to be amazed by the townspeople's excitement for the sport at the event. He said Pakistan is a remarkable country for football and he is proud to be a part of Pakistan's historic transformation.

As per the information, the stadium is built according to the international standards of the European Football Association. The former star also visits the Lyari Town area of ​​Karachi, nicknamed 'mini Brazil' due to people's football extremism.

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