Construction of Multi-Story Apartments in LDA City on EPC Basis

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19/06/2020 8:50 pm  

Construction of Multi-Story Apartments in LDA City on EPC Basis

The Pakistani government aims to build more than 5 million homes in Pakistan to meet the country's housing needs under the Naya Pakistan Housing Project (NPHP). For this purpose, the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) plans to develop an apartment in Lahore for the construction of 50,000 housing units for employees of the LDA, employees of other government departments and the public.  LDA seeks to explore innovative and green technologies of construction based on technical and functional parameters and a variety of uses, such as high rise, 2-3 story buildings, and faster quality construction of houses. A land falling in LDA City housing scheme has been identified to successfully start construction of the home under the umbrella of NPHP

The apartment complex is believed to be developed in over 2000 Kanals area include 10,000 units over two years. Infrastructure facilities such as roads, sidewalks, water, sewerage, drainage, electrification and landscaping are provided by LDA.

LDA intend to find the project requirements of a suitable company/firms from Pakistan or an international company through a company in Pakistan/JV and reach decisions regarding architectural drawings 3D floor plan with section,  elevation and necessary details of apartments planned as.

  • Type-A 800 Sft
  • Type-B 1100 Sft
  • Type C 1500 Sft

For a shortlist of new technologies and actual construction, new alternate technologies must satisfy both the technical and operational aspects included in government construction bidding. Eligible companies must be licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in related categories such as design, manufacture, supply, construction, survey, plumbing, electrical works etc and should not be blacklisted by organizations across the country/world. Foreign bidders can only bid on joint ventures with Pakistani companies in accordance with the provisions of the PEC Ordinance. However, foreign bidders must obtain an appropriate license from the Pakistan Engineering Commission before starting any activity subject to the PEC Ordinance.

The most suitable proposal selected by the LDA in the selection criteria mentioned in E01 and would have the first right of refusal in the tender stage. Proposals prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the EOl document must be made at the LDA's Chief Engineer Office, respectively, prior to or before the deadline (July 15, 2020).

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