CM Punjab launches LDA Insaf web portal and mobile portal

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21/05/2020 2:19 am  

CM Punjab launches LDA Insaf web portal and mobile portal

The Chief Minister Punjab Usman Buzdar on Wednesday 20th May has launched the LDA Insaf web portal and mobile portal. This is the most important step for instant communication of citizens with officers and the registration of complaints without any hassle.  However, citizens will able to submit online applications through portals. 

  • The Chief Minister said citizens can submit court orders and ask other types of questions through an online system.
  • CM Punjab Usman Buzdar also said the application plans approval for the construction of building in LDA’s own and approved private housing schemes can be submitted.

Chief Minister Usman Buzdar said this online facility allows a process on citizen applications in the shortest possible time and LDA (Lahore Development Authority) will able to serve people quickly.  An online appointment for visiting the LDA office are available through the portal. In conclusion, various types of applications can be submitted online through the portal.


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