CM Punjab Establishes Three Medical Facilities in Punjab

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12/04/2022 7:52 pm  

Punjab's Chief Minister (CM) Sardar Usman Buzdar laid the groundwork for three infrastructure and health-related projects on 6 April. There are three projects in the Emergency Tower and Trauma Center of Services Hospital and Hazrat Hamid Uddin Hakim Surgical Complex of Sheik Zayed Medical School in the Rahim Yar Khan.

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As per the news trauma and emergency blocks will add 800 beds to the hospital's current bed capacity. The decision was made according to the CM due to the city's population growth and demand. The project costs PKR 5 billion and includes state-of-the-art emergency health facilities. He also said the government has allocated a 7.6-acre site to Sheikh Zayed Medical School in Rahim Yar Khan for the Hazrat Hamid Uddin Hakim Surgical Complex. This initiative will provide easy access to the excellent surgical facilities in their city.

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He also laid the groundwork for the Hub and Spoke Model pilot project in the Zahir Pir sector in the Rahim Yar Khan region. He claimed that today every Punjab citizen has universal health insurance of PKR 1 million. The government allocated a total of 400 billion PKR to support the Sehat Card system.

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