Capital Smart City Announces Biggest Launch in 2022

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12/02/2022 4:49 pm  

Capital Smart City officials announced the biggest launch of the year. The new launch includes large-scale development projects in society.

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Capital Smart City is a new and modern housing project located close to the new Islamabad International Airport. The project will be developed with a state-of-the-art town planning or smart Infrastructure by reputable t Habib Rafiq Pvt. Ltd. This project will feature top-class amenities and advanced facilities for its residents to offer a contemporary lifestyle. As per the information, Capital Smart City officials said they would make further efforts for society's development.

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New developments include the Dedicated Motorway Interchange, Nutech Flagship Campus, and Harley Street Clinic. Development projects also include Gandhara Gallery and Pink Ribbon Hospital. Capital Smart City will share ample details about these developments at the Expo held on February 8, 2022, at Expo Doom's Overseas Block.

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