Automated Challan Payment in all Designated Banks | DHA Multan | Latest Update | Nov 2021

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01/11/2021 2:16 pm  

Nov 1st, 2021: DHA Multan takes dynamic steps to take advantage of advanced technology for the convenience of our respected members. In accordance with the above policy, we imply that from 8th October 2021 onwards, Challans created at the reception of DHAM Multan (main/site/sub-office) for payment of fees of all types are linked with automation/banking.

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This initiative allows Challans for any type of payment to be paid by esteemed members at any branch of a DHA Multan Designated Bank (mentioned on the challan) across Pakistan*.

DHA Multan is known for its world-class development and a remarkable living community will continue to facilitate its valuable members.

*Note: Please send a copy of the paid challan to DHAM by mail or 0346-8811342 (WhatsApp only).

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