Allah-Hoo Chowk Remodeling Project Approved

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09/07/2021 4:19 pm  

Lahore Development Authority (LDA) Director General Ahmad Aziz Tarar has approved the remodeling of the Allah-Hoo roundabout in Khayaban-i-Firdausi, addressing the city's traffic problems, news sources reported.

The total cost of the project is 960.36 million PKR and includes a four-kilometer corridor from Allah-hoo Chowk to Shaukat Khanum Hospital.

According to the project details, the Allah-Hoo roundabout will be replaced by a pedestrian bridge. Additionally, the 4 km long corridor to and from the chowk will be remodeled and signal-free and the road's four U-turns will be remodeled and expanded.

Read LDA approves multi-billion rupee development project

In addition, the approved plan has the following features:

  • The three U-turns at Jagawar Chowk, Mahmood Chowk and Ashiq Chowk are also redesigned and expanded.
  •  A U-turn will be built in front of Shouq Chowk to accommodate traffic from Faisal Town.
  • The speed limit for commercial vehicles on the road is 40 km/h and the maximum speed for small vehicles is 50 km/h.

In addition, the proposed project is expected to be completed this year.

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